DoE National Security Complex Internships Facilitated by ASTERIX Consortium

Click on the link below to sign up for this Zoom Webinar:

  • Opportunities in Engineering (Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Fire Protection, Mechanical, Nuclear, and other Engineering Disciplines) and Science (Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and other Science Disciplines) as well as Information Solutions and Services (Computer Science and Informational Technology) are available.
  • U.S. citizenship required.
  • 10-12 weeks at the Pantex Plant (Amarillo, TX), Y-12 National Security Complex (Oak Ridge, TN), KCNSC, or LANL .
  • Students will work in a team environment on meaningful projects relevant to their field of study.
  • Students are paired with a technical staff member and a mentor.
  • Students engage in professional development workshops and social activities.
  • Eligible participants must be of junior, senior, or graduate status.