To provide students with early-exposure to cutting-edge research activities to inspire them to pursue electrical engineering careers, prepare them to adapt to new technological environments they will inherit in; and prepare students to successfully serve the NNSA through their careers as scientists, engineers, and leaders in these and emerging technologies.
To build a sustainable pipeline of talented diverse engineering students who are ready to enter the STEM workforce of Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DoE/NNSA) to cater to its evolving needs.
The Asterix Consortium :
The ASTERIX Consortium is a DoE/NNSA funded program that addresses the critical shortage of Electrical Engineers in the nations’ nuclear safety and security apparatus. It has 3 institutional partners: Florida International University (lead), Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, and Miami Dade College; and 3 industry partners: Kansas City Nuclear Security Complex/Honeywell (KCNSC), Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) and Oak Ridge National Lab/Y12 Pentax (CNS).

- To recruit well-qualified STEM students to satisfy the increasing demand of scientists and engineers in areas of interest to the DoE, specifically in advanced sensor technologies for various applications in electrical engineering including nuclear power systems, autonomous sensing systems, and advanced manufacturing of these devices and systems
- To train students in undergraduate and graduate research and provide enriching educational experiences including internship opportunities at ASTERIX and DoE laboratories and enterprises.
- To attract talented underrepresented K-12 students to STEM disciplines through structured outreach activities and educational enrichment
- To strengthen partnerships between the FIU, FAMU, and MDC electrical engineering departments and DoE enterprises to train a cadre of scientists and engineers in research areas of interest to DoE/NNSA.